Gitega : President Neva continues to attack Rwanda and the settlers, a source of misfortune for Burundians according to him

Gitega : President Neva continues to attack Rwanda and the settlers, a source of misfortune for Burundians according to him

Burundian President Évariste Ndayishimiye has once again attacked Rwanda and the settlers who, according to him, are a source of misfortune for Burundians. He affirmed that Rwanda holds certain Burundians in slavery whom it teaches to “only kill”. For Mr. Ndayishimiye, the only Burundians who criticize the CNDD-FDD regime are the slaves of Rwanda and the settlers. INFO SOS Médias Burundi

On Saturday, the former Hutu rebellion celebrated the third edition of the day dedicated to the women of the ruling party. President Neva, former Secretary General of the ruling party was the guest of honor. As he tends to do lately, he attacked Rwanda once again.

“How pleasant it is to lead a happy people. All Burundians are now very happy. The only Burundian who is not is the one who agreed to be a slave of the Rwandan regime. He is the only sad one. Those – those who are used by the Rwandan authority are the only ones who live in sadness. This is why I ask you, you Burundians to call them and tell them ‘leave this place of sadness and come to the land of joy’ “Burundi is a country where joy reigns,” declared Mr. Ndayishimiye in the political capital Gitega.

And he continued, “When you arrive in Burundi, you see happy people. I look on social media, those who criticize us, all the Burundians who criticize us are those who are kept in slavery by the Rwandan authority who educate them to go and kill their Burundian brothers. This is why I call on them once again to come to the land of joy….”.

President Évariste Ndayishimiye describes the Burundian refugees as “beggars who are enraged and in the service of Rwanda and the settlers”.

Settlers, another target

The Burundian president believes that the settlers have done everything to prevent his country from developing and the poverty that is manifesting itself is the fruit of their actions.

“They prevented us from continuing to forge while we were capable of making hoes…before their arrival. They divided us into Hutus and Tutsis. They sullied our culture in matters of administration and economy”, he charged.

Cloud the issue

The one who runs the poorest country in the world and whose depreciation of the local currency has reached its peak (one American dollar = 5,100 Burundi francs on the black market), has affirmed that 5 U.S. dollars are equivalent to 100 Burundian francs. Mr. Neva seems to be very convinced and goes with supporting examples.

“An avocado costs 100 francs in Nyabihanga (Mwaro province, central Burundi) and its price in the United States is 5 dollars. Isn’t 100 Burundian francs worth 5 U.S dollars? we are not lying to you,” he calculated.


For the Burundian president “if our country continues at the same pace of development, we could give aid to other countries in a few years.”

Once again, members of the CNDD-FDD youth league (Imbonerakure) were contacted by the Head of State who declared that “we are going to strengthen the paramilitary training of the Imbonerakure”.

The event saw the participation of some African delegations.

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