THE DREAMS OF BAREGEYA: Eden Garden, this land of Eva and N.Eva with the snake is not Burundi

THE DREAMS OF BAREGEYA: Eden Garden, this land of Eva and N.Eva with the snake is not Burundi

Finally, I have just seen, known and understood the source of the curse of Burundi, now Eden Garden. This is the land of Adam and Eva. Welcome to Burundi, “the heart of Africa”, where hypertension and cardiac arrest alternate. Baregeya dreams and dreams again, trying to flee Cain, the son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother. The blood shed aroused the wrath of God which seems to have fallen on Burundi alone.

Opinion by Mahoro
SOS Médias Burundi

This snake! This snake. It is with a man and a woman. In a garden, splendid, of unique beauty. I see it. It is green and almost invisible, completely one with the garden whose greenery camouflages its color wonderfully. Is this Adam and Eve? No. They are black.
Where am I ? I am scared. I hear cries of distress and blows. A man gets killed. He shouts: “My brother! My brother, don’t kill me! » Alas, he died. It is Abel who is killed by Cain, no other son of the Garden of Eden remains, except Cain.
No ! Lord, you yourself know that I do not agree with the Old Testament. Why do I see Noah’s ark? It sails with a man and a woman on board, sailing as far as the eye can see with cows, goats, plants, fruits…
Paradoxically, I remain in Eden! Uh! I see the man, his wife and his children with the snake again. What joy. Who is this man whose children and loved ones are resplendent in good health, in a paradise in the middle of Hell. Is this purgatory?

Neva in Cain’s property?

How not to dream? The Burundian president declared that Burundi is the Garden of Eden. Without mentioning the book of Genesis in the Bible, in this famous garden, we know the story of Adam and Eve. Cain, their son, killed his brother, before suffering the divine curse. The blackout. We will no longer speak of this son cursed by God who will have vanished into nature, just as we will no longer speak of this garden, which is more than beautiful.
The name of the Burundian president will be engraved in the annals of the book of heaven. This is because he revealed to God (not to mention the whole world) that he and his people are in the Garden of Eden. It is the palace, above a poorly or unlit city of Bujumbura, like a paradise in purgatory.
Who says no? He clearly said that Noah’s ark went elsewhere to the north via the waters of the Nile, not to the Garden of Eden. Without doubt, in his Eden, I suppose that there is a mystical trilogy: N.Eva, Eva and the Serpent. In short, it is the property of the cursed son that killed.

The Garden of Eden is cursed. I refuse to allow Neva, who finds himself there, to think that he is in Burundi. Burundi is not the Garden of Eden. No and no. Ultimately this president is in another world. Hence he never stops telling lies, worthy of a mentally deficient person.

Adam (N.Eva) and Eva gorge on forbidden fruits

It is strictly forbidden to eat the fruits of the famous tree. But, who would eat it except the president and his family? The fruits of this tree “only open the eyes of those who eat them.” Which is not wrong. The eyes of N.Eva (Ndayishimiye Evariste) are opened, so that he sees what even God does not see. This is how he sees that he is in the Garden of Eden, where the curse began.
If he talks about his country (not Burundi, I insist) as being the heart of Africa, I would understand why the whole of Africa suffers from heart attacks.
Furthermore, this famous general is among the executives of the Eagle Party. While they were in the maquis in 1996, they learned that they would die like Cain, because they had just murdered more than 600 Tutsis in a survivors’ camp in Bugendana, one of the communes of Gitega, Neva’s native province, before becoming naturalized in the Garden of Eden.

These forbidden fruits are all forms of corruption, these embezzlements that you commit, Mr. PRESIDENT. But beware ! The fate of the offspring of the occupants of the Garden of Eden is chaotic. Don’t let this affect your children. Otherwise, Archbishop Johachim Ruhuna, whom you ended up assassinating, cursed your FDD movement, which became your political party, the CNDD-FDD, of which the most voracious of raptors is your totem.
I wouldn’t dare give you advice, because you don’t even listen to your own advisors. A thousand and one times, you are told not to say nonsense and slip up most of the times you open your mouth.
I end up understanding why you are failing in managing the country because, in the Garden of Eden, we do not need fuel, sugar, basic necessities, water, electricity, etc. You eat what is cursed, letting the cows and flocks go elsewhere with Noah’s ark. Yes, Burundi is emptying its sons and daughters towards the other side of the Mediterranean, where Noah’s ark landed, according to you.
Fortunately, you breed flies, earthworms, maggots, snails…to transform them into rabbits, these miracle creatures for the Garden of Eden.
Comparing Burundi in its current state to the Garden of Eden to say that it is more splendid than all the countries in the world is like saying that what stinks is better than the best perfume.

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