

Nakivale (Uganda) : an assistance that frustrates

The Saudi Arabian Embassy in Uganda has given food assistance to refugees who fled from the neighboring DRC. The other communities cringe their teeth. INFO SOS Médias Burundi The assistance

Photo de la semaine

Photo of the week : eventful week between allies in North Kivu

During the week of September 23, 2024, several clashes took place between the FDLR (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda) and the Congolese army on one side and between


Kayanza : a very damaging lack of selected corn seeds and chemical fertilizers

While it is time to sow for the farming season A called “Agatasi”, residents of Kayanza (northern Burundi) do not know what to do. No market has selected corn seeds.


Burundi : family planning, a hot topic for many Burundian families

Life has become very expensive in Burundi. Feeding a large family, especially in cities where many people only have their salary as a source of income to ensure their children’s


Kayanza : carence très dommageable de semences sélectionnées de maïs et d’engrais chimiques

Alors que c’est l’heure du semis pour la saison culturale A dite “Agatasi”, des habitants de Kayanza (nord du Burundi) ne savent pas quoi faire. Aucun marché ne dispose de


Kayanza: mtu aliyeuawa na mkewe kwa kuuza mkungu wa ndizi

Vincent Ntirampeba alifariki baada ya kupigwa na mkewe kwa mchi. Mkasa huo ulitokea usiku wa Septemba 25 kwenye kilima cha Gahise katika wilaya ya Butaganzwa katika mkoa wa Kayanza (kaskazini


Kayanza: a man killed by his wife for selling a bunch of bananas

Vincent Ntirampeba died after being hit with a pestle by his wife. The tragedy took place on the night of September 25 on Gahise hill in Butaganzwa commune of Kayanza


Goma: a journalist assassinated

Edmond Bahati, coordinator of Maria radio in Goma, regional capital for North Kivu in eastern Congo, was killed this Friday evening by gunmen in civilian clothes. Local civil society demands


Tanzania: Western and American diplomats visit Burundian refugee camps threatened with expulsion

Five European ambassadors including Japaneese and the american ambassadors in Tanzania, visited the Nyarugusu and Nduta camps located in the northwest of Tanzania early this week. The Burundian refugees urged


Rwanda: Deadly Marburg Virus discovered

The Rwandan Ministry of Public Health confirmed on Friday the outbreak of the deadly Marburg virus in some health facilities. The population is urged to be vigilant and strictly respect