Bubanza: two Imbonerakure including a hill leader beat up a septuagenarian

Bubanza: two Imbonerakure including a hill leader beat up a septuagenarian

A septuagenarian is in bed at his home on Gahwazi1 hill without any medical care following the violence inflicted on him by two Imbonerakure (members of the CNDD-FDD party’s youth league). One of them happens to be a leader of youth from the ruling party on this hill. Two of the victim’s sons are being held in a police cell in Mpanda for having intervened and saved their father from the hands of his torturers. INFO SOS Médias Burundi

The case dates back to February 9 when a motorcycle taxi driver dropped off a client living in the village of Mugaruro, in district 5 around 11 p.m. The village of Mugaruro is located in the Butanuka area, in the commune of Mpanda in the province of Bubanza (western Burundi).

It was at this time that the leader of the Imbonerakure on the hill of Gahwazi1, Elvis Bucumi nicknamed Mwarabu accompanied by a certain Emmanuel, also a member of the youth league of the presidential party, armed with knives tried to rob this biker.

He cries out for help. At this time, Marcel Gahitira, the neighborhood chief, despite his advanced age and disability, intervenes to prevent this biker from being robbed in front of his door.

The two imbonerakure manhandle him, dragging him on the ground.

“I received two blows, a kick in my stomach, I found myself on the ground. Impossible to get up”, says this elderly man.

“I alerted my sons and my entourage to save me. My two sons intervened and they fought with the two imbonerakure. One of my sons was almost stabbed had it not been for the intervention of “Alphonse, a neighbour”, explains the victim.

Mwarabu, the local leader of the Imbonerakure had a blow to the nose, blood flowed and found himself soaked in blood.

The hill representative of the CNDD-FDD, Jean Ntahondereye intervened on the spot. He told the Imbonerakure to tie up Marcel and his two sons and take them to a custody.

One of the victim’s sons was able to escape that night.

Jean Ntahondereye threatened the three men. He claimed that
“Wounding an Imbonerakure is tantamount to rebelling against the country”, according to witnesses.

Elvis Bucumi was taken to hospital the same night. The victim and his son were tied together. On the way to the Mpanda police station, they were badly beaten.

Wounded, they were taken to the custody without receiving any treatment. The second son has been arrested the next day by the hill manager in collaboration with Imbonerakure.

Marcel Gahitira’s two sons have been in jail for two weeks.

“Old Marcel has pain everywhere. Elvis Bucumi is a source of insecurity in this village of Mugaruro. He is not worried about the blunders of which he is the author”, criticize the neighbors of the victim.

The chief of Gahwazi1 hill, Espérance Minani indicates that the file is in the hands of the police. She mentions that Marcel Gahitira and his sons are responsible for what happened that night.

“However, they were quietly asleep at home and intervened to save a motorcyclist threatened by these Imbonerakure”, insisted a resident on the spot.

Residents who have confided in SOS Médias Burundi demand that Mwarabu be removed from his responsibilities as representative of the Imbonerakure. They also want him to be brought to justice for his actions.

“He is the source of insecurity in our locality,” they say.

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