Gitega : Imbonerakure act with impunity

Gitega : Imbonerakure act with impunity

Nearly a month ago, Imbonerakure (members of the youth league of the ruling CNDD-FDD party) seriously beat up Melchisédech Ndakoraniwe. The incident took place in Rukoba village in Gitega district and province (central Burundi). The victim was taken to hospital after losing consciousness. The perpetrators have not been prosecuted. INFO SOS Médias Burundi

At the time of the incident, Mr. Ndakoraniwe was sequestered in a place where Imbonerakure often commit abuses, according to witnesses.

“They took Ndakoraniwe to Kwidodero. It’s a place where the Imbonerakure torture people. He was seriously beaten up until he lost consciousness. They left him for dead and left,” witnesses say.

They indicate that “when the Imbonerakure left, we approached to see. Ndakoraniwe was unconscious and vomiting blood. We took him to the hospital.”

According to residents, the man was beaten up for punishing his own daughter. She came home late at night, without her parents knowing the reasons, we learn. These residents add that the said young girl is herself a member of the Imbonerakure league. And the most surprising thing, they say, was she who alerted the young people of the punishment she had suffered.


Even though the matter was reported to the police, the group of around ten Imbonerakure involved in the case was not prosecuted. Only one young person from the team, Wilson Nduwamahoro, was arrested on April 16 but released the same day.

Modeste Ngendakumana, Rukoba village chief, says he is aware of the situation. He is talking about a case which hides other motives which he does not wish to specify.

“I plan to close this case through mediation,” he concludes.

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