Bujumbura: the poisoning, a situation that triggers psychosis

Bujumbura: the poisoning, a situation that triggers psychosis

More than a year since many cases of sick people presenting symptoms of poisoning have resorted to traditional medicine. It is enough that the person feels pain in the stomach or a little fever, diarrhea or vomiting, the first idea that comes to mind is to go and consult a traditional doctor in one of the houses specializing in poisoning. These are storefront houses, well known to the grassroot administration, because everyone goes there as needed. INFO SOS Médias Burundi

Different places that seem specialized in this field are well known: Gatumba, Bubanza, Kamenge, Kanyosha, Rohero and many others.

“A friend of mine transferred the address to me when I told him about my discomfort. I went to Kamenge, north of Bujumbura capital, without going through any hospital. I found so many people there and Everyone wants to know first and foremost who did this to them. That day, I was lucky enough to be transferred elsewhere because my case could not be treated,” says a resident of southern Bujumbura.

The latter indicates that he subsequently went to consult an internist who eventually diagnosed poisoning and treated him.

Another lady testifies:

“I spent days without an appetite and I also had pain in my lower abdomen. Someone advised me to check if I hadn’t been poisoned. When I was getting ready to go, another voice told me to go see a doctor first, and that’s what I did. Imagine that to my great surprise, I found myself three months pregnant without knowing it”.

These cases are frequent in recent days, especially in the economic capital. There are even some who visit these places more than once.

“I was in pain everywhere and I treated myself for over a week with no results. I decided to look elsewhere and my test came back positive. I was given medication and I have already recovered. Before it was my wife and then it was my turn,” says another resident, happy to have gotten away with it.

The test is cheaper with these traditional healers and this is why many people prefer to do it above all.

“With 2,000 Burundian francs, you are entitled to a small quantity of powder in your hand on which you put a few drops of saliva. The result is positive when the powder turns red and nothing changes when it is negative,” revealed our contacts.

According to those who frequent them, these are places that are not scary like in the era of wizards and witch doctors. They say they are welcomed with chairs to wait their turn.

The price of medicines generally varies between 20,000 to 30,000 francs depending on the severity of the cases, but it can go beyond.

The treatment lasts between three and five days and the traditional practitioner judges after a check.

Doctors contacted on this subject confirm this state of affairs.

However, they regret that people do not first think about going to hospital for possible clinical examinations.

They also deplore the fact that there are people who come to hospital when it is too late, because the medications have had serious consequences on their state of health.

Psychologists testify that such cases are becoming more and more frequent. Unfortunately this leads to distrustful behavior in society.

Another big problem is that the affected person begins to imagine who is behind this act among their friends, family members, colleagues, neighbors, etc. This also provokes acts of revenge which sometimes go as far as assassinations.

In Bujumbura town hall, this fact of poisoning worries many and is currently pushing people to develop other behaviors for their protection.

Many are those who have reduced their movements in cabarets, others prefer not to take anything at parties or even at the office and are looking for alternative solutions.

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