Kirundo: a child of Tanzanian origin detained just for crossing the border out of ignorance

Kirundo: a child of Tanzanian origin detained just for crossing the border out of ignorance

A child of Tanzanian citizenship aged between eight and nine has been detained in the prosecution’s cells in Kirundo (northern Burundi) for two weeks. Witnesses say he reportedly came from Tanzania before his arrest. Which was confirmed by a police source who says he does not understand why this child would have crossed the border aboard a goods transport truck.

INFO SOS Médias Burundi

In the custody of the Kirundo prosecution, this child is known by the first name of Melchisedech. He was arrested in Vumbi commune.

“The child speaks only in Swahili. He was arrested by the police in the center of Gasura in Vumbi commune, at nightfall. People noticed a lonely child who only speaks Swahili and who told them he is a Tanzanian national,” testified a judge at the Kirundo high court.

According to the same source, this child explained that he crossed the Kobero border while on a trailer truck but did not know exactly where he was going.

Poor incarceration conditions

According to a police source, this minor is detained in deplorable conditions. He shares a cell with adults.

“Upon his arrival, he was put in a very dirty room with adults. We moved him to another room seen as VIP because he was not getting food. He has no change of clothes,” officers said. Police officers who spoke to our editorial staff on condition of anonymity who also specify that he only eats the leftover food of other detainees.

This child’s place should not be the custody, deplores a resident of the capital of Kirundo.

“This little boy is forced to stay inside the custody because he does not receive any visitors. We do not know his parents, except that he says in Swahili that he comes from Tanzania not far from the border in any case”, regrets a resident of the capital of the province of Kirundo who calls for intervention by children’s rights defenders.


Illustrative photo: children and adults cling to a truck transporting between the countries of the East African community, like the young Melchisedech detained in Kirundo, photo credit: Jean Pierre Aimé Harerimana

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