Bujumbura : the body of a police officer discovered

Bujumbura : the body of a police officer discovered

The body of Claude, an agent of the PNB (Burundi National Police), was discovered on Sunday morning. Circumstances of his death remain unclear. INFO SOS Médias Burundi

It is precisely in a gutter located between the 11th Avenue of the Buyenzi neighborhood (center of the commercial city of Bujumbura) and the National Institute of Public Health, INSP, where the body of this police officer was found. According to a police source, he was strangled by unknown persons.

According to our information, the officer was assigned to the unit in charge of road security, also based in Buyenzi. Circumstances of the death of this police officer remain unclear. But police officers assigned to this unit and to the municipal police station, also based in Buyenzi, often quench their thirst or eat in restaurants of this largest Swahili neighborhood in Burundi.

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