Burundi: two trade union confederations request the intervention of the CNDS in its dispute with the government

Burundi: two trade union confederations request the intervention of the CNDS in its dispute with the government

The trade union confederations COSYBU (Trade Union Confederation of Burundi) and CSB (Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Burundi) are raising their voices against the suspension of deductions from their members’ dues. The government of Burundi has adopted a measure prohibiting deductions at source of contributions from union members. The two confederations seek the mediation of the National Social Dialogue Committee (CNDS) on this issue. INFO SOS Médias Burundi

In a complaint against the Government of Burundi addressed to the President of the National Committee for Social Dialogue, the trade union confederations COSYBU and CSB appeal, on behalf of all trade unions in Burundi, to the CNDS to reconcile the two parties on the government’s decision to suspend source deductions of union members’ dues.

Both confederations claim that the measure hinders the proper functioning of their offices.

They accuse the government of violating the decree ratifying convention 87 of the ILO (International Labor Organization) on freedom of association and the protection of the right to organize, as well as convention number 135 on the protection of workers’ representatives and the facilities for grant them.

During raids by members of the government carried out between January and February of this year throughout the country, Prime Minister Gervais Ndirakobuca declared in Makamba (south), the suspension of deductions of union dues at source.

Some civil servants had complained about the withholding of sums of money intended to finance trade unions of which they were not members.

In this complaint filed on April 4, 2023, the trade union confederations COSYBU and CSB do not deny the existence of these cases, but criticize the government for having hastened to suspend the deductions at source without consulting the trade union representatives and without establishing responsibilities.

They seek dialogue with the government to definitively resolve the issue and ensure that trade union rights are respected.

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