Kayanza : the administration launches into the fight against polygamy
The governor of Kayanza province (north of the country) announced sanctions against all polygamists, including Muslims. At the end of last Saturday’s community works, Colonel Rémy Cishahayo said that polygamy is a source of insecurity in this province. He urged polygamous men, including Muslims, to stay with only one legal wife from now on. INFO SOS Médias Burundi
According to local information, in his remarks after community works last Saturday, Colonel Rémy Cishahayo stressed that he will start hunting men who have more than one wife.
According to this authority, polygamy is a source of insecurity in this province. He said even family assets are wasted in looking for a second wife instead of using them in the family.
Colonel Cishahayo calls on the authorities to closely monitor this problem which haunts this province.
Some followers of the Muslim religion do not understand this measure by the governor and point out that even the religion allows them to have more than one wife.
They ask the chief administrative officer “to carefully consult the law before taking measures that minimize the governed persons.”
But others who are not Muslims welcome this measure to combat polygamy in Kayanza province, because according to them “many conflicts are linked to polygamy”.
The “Men in Distress” association says this is a laudable measure.
Boniface Nduwimana, president of this association, believes that polygamy causes a lot of damage in several families, including land conflicts. He recommends that polyandry also be eradicated in this province.
For him, this measure must be applied for both men and women.
Kayanza is the province with the highest rate of inhabitants per km² in the country.
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