Kayanza : a health crisis due to the massive departure of doctors

Kayanza : a health crisis due to the massive departure of doctors

Since the beginning of the year, the province of Kayanza, located in north Burundi, has been facing a wave of departures of doctors. No less than eleven practitioners have abandoned their posts, leaving local health facilities in a critical situation.

INFO SOS Médias Burundi

Consequences of this situation are directly reflected on patients. Many report difficulties in accessing appropriate care. Some mention the lack of specialized doctors, while others complain about the insufficient number of consultations available in hospitals.

“I went to the hospital to see my doctor because of abdominal problems. When I arrived, I learned that he had left his post. I looked for another doctor throughout the province, without success. Finally, I had to go to Bujumbura (more than 90 km away). It’s very difficult,” a patient told SOS Médias Burundi.

Compromised care

The situation is all the more worrying because even cases that do not require specialists are affected. Families of patients denounce that, due to a lack of doctors, nurses are forced to take charge of complex situations.

“These nurses know that a doctor should intervene in difficult cases, but since there are none, they make decisions themselves. This involves risks,” they lamented.

Nurses themselves recognize the scale of the crisis.

“We are doing our best to save lives, but we are already seeing an increase in mortality. The problem must be resolved at the hierarchical level,” they explained.

A widespread phenomenon

According to local observers, the mass departure of doctors is part of a broader trend that affects other sectors. “Teachers and other civil servants are also leaving their posts. Those who find better opportunities elsewhere, particularly in Kenya and Rwanda, do not hesitate to leave. These countries offer significantly higher salaries, while here, the economy is on the brink of collapse,” analyzed intellectuals from the region.

Authorities on alert

The provincial health director confirmed the scale of this crisis. “We have reported the situation to the Ministry of Health so that a solution can be found quickly,” he said.

While waiting for concrete measures, the population of Kayanza continues to suffer the consequences of this shortage of doctors, making access to care increasingly difficult.


The entrance to the Kayanza hospital in northern Burundi where most residents seek treatment ©️ SOS Médias Burundi

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