Ituri : nearly 30 ADF attackers killed, others captured and hostages released, according to the army

Ituri : nearly 30 ADF attackers killed, others captured and hostages released, according to the army

The Congolese army has taken stock of its operations during the month of January 2023 in Ituri province (eastern DRC). It claims to have killed 28 and captured 14 ADF (Allied Democratic Forces) assailants and to have freed more than eighty hostages. INFO SOS Médias Burundi

Military operations of FARDC (Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo) targeted territories of Irumu and Mambasa in the province of Ituri, according to the spokesman of the army in the region.

“28 ADF were killed, 14 others captured. Our army also freed 83 hostages from the hands of the assailants and seized sixteen war weapons”, detailed Lieutenant Jules Ngongo.

He specifies that the operations were carried out on the Komanda-Luna and Luna-Mambasa axes and that they were possible thanks to the collaboration with the local population.

“[…], we encourage people to trust their army.
See for example, in Mahagi territory, the inhabitants of Djalasiga, in the Aluru-Djuganda chiefdom, can return to their homes after nearly 4 months of insecurity caused by clashes between the CODECO militia (Cooperative for the Development of Congo) and the Zaire self-defense movement. Now it’s calm”, he boasted.

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