Rumonge : the government adopts an additional envelope of 18 billion for rehabilitation works of the RN3

Rumonge : the government adopts an additional envelope of 18 billion for rehabilitation works of the RN3

The Council of Ministers adopted this week an envelope of eighteen billion additional francs for the rehabilitation project of the national road number three (RN3). The government spokesperson indicates that the amount will be used to pay for unforeseen work. INFO SOS Médias Burundi

Prosper Ntahorwamiye, spokesman and secretary general of the government explained major reasons behind the modification of the budget.

“There is the rising waters of Lake Tanganyika. This requires the protection of its edges in the localities of Gitaza, Magara and Kagongo. These works require an additional financial cost which was not foreseen in the project”, he explains.

Among other works, the prevention of overflows of rivers crossing the road in expansion or by adding new works.

In all, 18 billion Burundi francs is the additional amount needed for the first phase. It will be paid to the company SOGEA-SATOM in charge of the rehabilitation works of the national road number three (RN3).

The Rumonge-Gitaza section extends over a length of 45 km. But the execution deadlines may not be respected, as some authorities fear. The government already deplores the fact that 75% of the deadlines for carrying out the work have already been used up, while there is still a lot to do.

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