Mulongwe (DRC) : the UNHCR distributes tents to Burundian refugees

Mulongwe (DRC) : the UNHCR distributes tents to Burundian refugees

Refugees in Mulongwe camp received tents. It is in the province of South Kivu in the east of the DRC. The beneficiaries thank the UNHCR for the assistance. INFO SOS Médias Burundi

The UNHCR intervenes after several refugees’ homes were destroyed by heavy rains in recent days.

“I am very happy and I thank the UNHCR. My children will now sleep more comfortably. It’s really a relief,” reacted Francine Sibomana, a mother who benefited from tents.

As for Emelyne, she plans to rebuild her house which had collapsed, “everything was wet every time it rained”, she says.

The president of Mulongwe camp thanks the UNHCR for its intervention. Déo Ntakirutimana specifies that a family of 10 people received 5 tents.

The Mulongwe camp shelters 15,000 Burundian refugees.

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